Crystal Clearing | Stilbite
In the dawning of a new age, old thought patterns and programs clutter and distract the mind from harnessing its full creative and intuitive powers. Through the assistance of resourceful mother nature, developing and maintaining new pathways of loving awareness is made simple with Stilbite, a soothing composition of minerals naturally designed to expand the understanding of one’s infinite self.
Stilbite calms the mind and nervous system in a cocoon of pure consciousness. In this sphere of love, one resides in the throne of their heart to witness the bliss that exists within, through and around them. The heart opens and sustains this intimate revealing for deep emotional healing and freedom. In this experience of personal expansion, the heart and mind unite as one in a multi-dimensional realm of peaceful and loving expressions.
The gentle frequency of Stilbite vibrates in harmony with the neurons’ network of communication, providing symmetry to the brain’s electrical activity and spiritual antenna. The mind becomes illuminated, free from worries or concerns, opening the channel to positive and revolutionary modes of thinking. Stilbite clears the pathway of creative inspiration and downloads innovative concepts to reflect in visionary pursuits that humbly resonate in all endeavors of sharing one’s gifts with the world.
Stilbite navigates the way to the higher realms of existence, while anchoring the knowledge that pours through one’s stream of consciousness. The crown and third eye chakras become clear of any illusions or blockages, magnifying awareness and intuitive abilities. As Stilbite directs the flow of one’s inherent wisdom, the metaphysical gates align to extraordinary insight and clarity. This transcendent soul and cellular healing awakens the perspective to one’s true potential and the limitless network of energetic support always readily available.
When combined with the presence of an inter-dimensional guide known as Apophyllite, Stilbite provides a more gentle access to the higher realms. Stilbite not only adds a gentle essence for this mineral ally, it provides a nurturing energy while navigating through the more challenging chapters or moments in life, allowing one to break through the other side with grace and integrity, always finding their way back to bliss.
My personal expansion benefits All That Is
Sacred Ceremony
Sleep with Stilbite under your pillow or on your nightstand.
Welcome the crystalline energies to soothe the emotional body and calm the mind, guiding you into a peaceful and restorative sleep.
Ask that Stilbite work to expand your awareness and open you to new creative insights and clarity. Intend to awaken energized and mentally alert for a beautiful day, grounded in divine inspiration to live your light and share your gift with the world.