“Here Now” Los Angeles & Digital Group Circles
Here Now Los Angeles Group Circle
October 22, November 12, December 3. Time: 6:30-8:30pm
It’s been a while since weREWILD began our monthly campfire circles and just as long, it seems, since we’ve held one, as our collective crises shifted the intimacy and movement of our lives. While intentional groups are an age-old practice, specifically council circles developed over thousands of years by indigenous cultures around the world, the times have rapidly changed in a mere flash.
This group take place in a circle of equity, bearing witness to one another and sharing from the heart authentically. Participants agree to speak one-at-a-time, sharing their personal experiences and listening non-judgmentally while others do the same. We keep it lean, from the heart, and everyone contributes their “voice” in the circle in some way.
For those who are in the Los Angeles area, we are offering this limited-capacity in-person circle every 3 weeks to create an ongoing community and familiarity with group experiences. Together, we can navigate the raw emotional landscape of these times without judgment, just allowing. Dates and details are below.
*18 years of age and up. All genders and non-gender conforming.*
Why we sit in circle:
- A place to be – and find – who you are and the voice that wants to come through
- An arena for your Truth – instead of a persuasive story
- Taking part in a mirroring experience, being seen, seeing, and listening
- Sharing mental, emotional, and physical resources
- Asking for what one needs and wants – hearing the ask instead of caretaking
- Allowing the power of silence and each person’s presence
Time & Dates: October 22, November 12, December 3. Time: 6:30-8:30pm. Altadena, CA. Address sent upon registration.
Exchange: $35 per person
Safety Protocols: Outdoor protocols as advised by the CDC will be followed. We will be providing an overview of these following sign-ups for each participant to sign.
Your Facilitators: Micha is an associate marriage & family therapist, certified coach, Reiki master teacher, creative director, and founder of international organization weREWILD, a research-based psychological, anthropological, and story-centered resource, emphasizing therapeutic engagement with the natural world. Micha holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology, with an emphasis on depth psychology, from Pacifica Graduate University and is a program lead at Wolf Connection, an immersive therapeutic wolf sanctuary. Micha has led groups—therapeutic, workshops, retreats, and more—for five years.
Giulia Cappelli brings her love of connecting people, nature and animals to all endeavors, even if the only animals around are humans in the nature and expression of their environment. Her most previous professional role was as COO of Wolf Connection. Giulia’s background as a coach includes an MA in Counseling with an emphasis on Spiritual Psychology. Having cultivated a keen awareness and appreciation for “aliveness” from working together with people and animals, Giulia is inspired by and listens for clarification of what is being communicated in the moment.
Sign up Here.
Here Now Digital Group Circle
October 29, November 19, December 10; 5:00-6:30pm PST/8:00-9:30pm EST
This adaptation of an in-person group circle is somewhat inspired by the mass migration of physical experiences to video platforms, but this has long been on the horizon with the geographical expanse the weREWILD community has always covered. We’ve taught workshops this way over the years and found each other in digital spaces, but this will be our first very intentional council-style ongoing group.
This group take place in a digital circle of equity, bearing witness to one another and sharing from the heart authentically. Participants agree to speak one-at-a-time, sharing their personal experiences and listening non-judgmentally while others do the same. We keep it lean, from the heart, and everyone contributes their “voice” in the circle in some way.
Why we come together in circle:
- A place to be – and find – who you are and the voice that wants to come through
- An arena for your Truth – instead of a persuasive story
- Taking part in a mirroring experience, being seen, seeing, and listening
- Sharing mental, emotional, and physical resources
- Asking for what one wants – hearing the ask instead of caretaking
- Allowing the power of silence and each person’s presence
Time & Dates: October 29, November 19, December 10; 5:00-6:30pm PST/8:00-9:30pm PST. Via Zoom, info sent out upon registration.
Exchange: $20 per person
Sign up Here.