Rockin’ Out | September is for Black Tourmaline

by | Sep 1, 2016

blacktourmalineOTWA great supply and variety of minerals makes the Crystal Kingdom an extraordinary source of Universal Knowledge with which to connect. Many stones are so readily available that it becomes clear they play an important role in humanities evolution. Black Tourmaline makes its presence known in abundance at most metaphysical shops, as it is one of the key tools to unlocking ancient wisdom to accelerate us along our beautiful spiritual journey. It would be wise to always keep this warrior of the Light in a collection of crystals no matter how many different energies weave in and out of the mix.

Without Black Tourmaline’s presence in our energetic field while we work so deeply with crystalline transmissions, we may just float out of our bodies, complicating the ability to serve the purpose of bonding with these powerful tools. Yes, the higher realms are beyond pleasant to reside in, but in order to truly manifest what we desire and experience, a balanced state of bliss and harmony, we must ground our Light into the Earth plane. Black Tourmaline is here because this is our mission.

Knowing the importance of humanity’s role of Loving service to Earth, fellow earthlings and All That Is, Black Tourmaline’s essence is willing and ready to emit radiant light waves that travel down the parallel striations of its structure to assimilate a potent light force throughout our entire being.  This Universal Language of Light integrates into every cell with grace and ease so that we may anchor its cosmic energy into the beautiful grid that is Planet Earth, while staying balanced and present, rooted like a tree with leaves made of stars.

In the embrace of this incredible stone’s protective nature, our collective energies unite to initiate an invincible force field to shield us from anything less than divine. This cocoon of protection clears away any outside interference in all dimensions and directions of time and space as we ground our power into the crystalline heart of Mother Earth. In this realm of safety and security, we are able to truly identify and align with our Higher Self so we can dissolve any distractions that may prevent us from accessing our perfect divinity.

Black Tourmaline will not only harmonize the left and right hemispheres of our brain protecting us from lower thought forms and energies, it will also clear all the energetic fields of any harmful EMF exposure or radiation of any kind which will uplift our life-force and stimulate vitality. The entire being restores to perfect equilibrium on all levels as its purifying effects neutralize and dissolve the illusionary fears, worries or concerns circulating throughout our stream of consciousness that may claim we are not supported to embody our highest potential. In this eternal dimension, we ground in the knowing of how infinite we truly are.


I AM Grounded in the Knowing of my Divine Potential, Protection and Power.

Sacred Ceremony

Set and illuminate the space by burning sage, lighting candles or visualizing the Violet Flame to transmute any disharmony into Divine Love. Align with your Higher Self, connect with Black Tourmaline and ask that you be enfolded in a cocoon of Protection from all that does not serve or honor your highest and greatest good. Allow this cocoon of protection to clear away any illusionary fears, worries or concerns into all Loving messages so that you may see All That Is with a vision of Love.

Next, envision the cocoon evolve into a sphere of the Rainbow Light. See yourself inside this Rainbow Realm and welcome in the entire spectrum of colors to integrate and harmonize their essence into your energetic fields restoring you back to perfect equilibrium and balance. Allow the knowing that you are always safe and supported to confidently ground you in your Divine Power. With the realization of your Divine Purpose, may the Angels guide you into the embrace of your true Infinite Nature so that you may fulfill your mission to heal yourself so you can heal this beautiful world.

And So Be It. And So It Is