Crystal Clearing | Labradorite

by | Sep 5, 2017

The energy of universal harmony exists in crystalline form – to awaken the inherent knowing of one’s true destiny to be fulfilled – in the embrace of a magical mind expanding tool of transformation known as Labradorite. Discovery and acceptance of this sacred assignment is enchanted with the energy of otherworldly treasures, as the luminescent structure of “the temple of the stars” illuminates the space to explore one’s limitless nature. The individual is prepared to attend to the inner work required to clear old patterns by transmuting the effects into love and wisdom as a powerful alchemist. Labradorite will restore faith when one feels lost and will serve to assist in providing clarity during transitions and cycles of life. Changes may be met with wonder and revelations to assist in accelerating further along the earthly journey and on all planes of existence.

Labradorite effortlessly awakens the magic within, through and around one’s physical and spiritual atmosphere, to its highest potential. Highly evolved cosmic frequencies create a force-field of protection around the entire being, sealing the energy field of any holes or leakages, so that physical and etheric bodies may harmonize as one. Working with Labradorite strengthens the mental and intuitive channels and activates the third eye’s crystal clear vision in alignment with what truly honors one’s stream of consciousness, intending to assimilate the knowledge to restore divine order throughout the spiritual antennas. This wisdom provides a higher dimension to ground in one’s purpose and power as lower energies are lovingly released.

As a stone of interdimensional awareness and divine timing, psychic abilities are stimulated and incredible synchronicities present themselves in every day reality, while the individual maintains their dedication to the experience of transcending throughout all time and space. Labradorite acts as a guide to the right places at the perfect cosmic time, with infinite opportunities presenting themselves as the intuition follows the direction of universal assistance. The magic of one’s inner world is opened to realms of illumined perfection and reflects this radiance into their outer world of existence. The human experience becomes a mystical adventure of cosmic connection and spiritual ascension.


I AM Magical.

Sacred Ceremony:

Place Labradorite on your third eye chakra and connect with your higher self & light guides. Ask for your intuition to lovingly guide you to the people, places and conditions that will serve to awaken your higher consciousness and potential. Keep the Labradorite with you when you go on your daily adventures, and trust in divine order and guidance to orchestrate magical synchronicities and present infinite opportunities to uplift your beautiful life.