Monthly Channeled Forecast | February is Reclaiming Soul Belonging
Significator: Queen of Pentacles, Self Doubt, Self Care
Walking away from: 4 of Swords
Walking into: 5 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, Ace of Swords
Channeled from Spirit using the Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck and Vessel Oracle deck by Spirit Speak
The larger theme for the month of February is reclaiming our soul belonging. But what does that even mean? There is so much power in claiming a magickal tradition and/or developing one’s own. There is no right or wrong way to practice magick as to how, when, what, or where you should conduct your rituals (besides of course, ethical rules and boundaries). The soul’s ability to remember and reclaim one’s magickal trajectory is an absolute unique and individualized experience. We must know that even though we think we aren’t using our intuitive abilities on a regular basis, we actually are relying on it everyday. To be a human in this world, we are constantly working with energy. As we roll into Pisces season near the end of February, we will be thrown into this watery void that might leave us feeling our extrasensory intuitive “superpowers” more strongly. You might call this a spiritual awakening. We are collectively waking up to our gifts and how we are serving our communities. We must remember that we are all a part of the collective web of unconscious, and the more we can reclaim our intuitive superpowers (whatever they may be), we will raise the vibration of our soul development and planet.
Queen of Pentacles shows us that in order to exist in the watery, psychic void of February we must first belong in our bodies. Self Care is needed. For some, this might be an extremely uncomfortable time when we are downloading a lot of information and not knowing how to harness the energies flooding in. We must take care of our physical bodies and the capacity at which we can hold outside energy. How are you consciously aware of how energy flows and runs throughout your body? It cannot be stressed enough that we move our bodies through exercise or gentle movements to release stuck, stagnant or foreign energy. The Queen of Pentacles is psychically attuned to the Earth around her and can feel into the subtleties of what messages she is receiving through her body. I urge you to listen to where in your body you are feeling these downloads. Perhaps in your heart? Your third eye? Your sacral chakra?
We are walking away from the energy of the 4 of Swords this month, which has basically been an incubation period where energetic renewal was necessary. We had to withdraw and be alone more often to allow space for the direction we needed to focus our energies on for the next few months.
February is bringing us some tough love starting off with the 5 of Pentacles. If you have been in survival mode for quite some time, this card’s medicine is really bringing light to this issue. There is a ton of pressure for us to stay on task whether it’s to pay rent/mortgage, to keep the pace of daily life, job performance, etc. There is a deep well of anxiety that stems from the unknown – we do not know if we will fail or succeed. When the potential of failure looms over our heads, our bodies panic. Our bodies have an incredible ability to hold all sorts of energy we throw it’s way. My advice for you is to embody the Queen of Pentacles medicine, and to breathe that anxious energy out of your body so it may function at it’s best.
By mid-month, the 6 of Swords gives us some distance from that frantic energy and allows us the choice to leave what is not working for us anymore. You are giving yourself the breathing room to gain perspective so that you may find the strength to make that cut. In that moment we see the truth – the Ace of Swords cuts through any bullshit and invites us to say yes to our inner vision.
This month I invite you all to understand what it means to reclaim. It is to recover the magick that we have lost along the journey of life and to understand that we will always find Soul belonging when we remember that innate vibration. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and feel into your true self that has and will always be there.