group facilitation

Currently offering thematic groups, retreats as well as bespoke facilitation. Workshops coming soon.

A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don’t function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick. – Brene Brown

I adore groups and community. In communal, therapeutic spaces I’ve seen people transform together, like tectonic plates shifting into new landforms. Creating and facilitating workshops, group circles and retreats is largely how I came to healing arts, my studies, and my conceptualization of Rewilding. I utilize tools of nature-based and group-based therapy, mindfulness, coaching, somatics, and more – all aimed at heart-opening experiences.

I have facilitated for corporations, non-profit organizations, and my own weREWILD events and workshops for years. Currently, my programs are proprietary and can be married with other research and institutional or group/company needs, and I generally facilitate alone or in collaboration with others. I have helped manage the highly sought and praised program for Wolf Connection – Women & Wolves and co-founded the 10-week Women & Wolves immersive program. Below you will find all groups I am currently offering or will be soon.

Disconnection and therefore recovery through community drives me every day.

I have worked at Wolf Connection for almost seven years, an education and empowerment organization pairing rescued wolves with adolescents and adults – the global innovator in facilitating the restorative human-animal relationship with a unique focus on Wolf Therapy®. I became the first psychology clinical intern, then a Program Lead; I manage the Women & Wolves program and co-founded the 10-week Women & Wolves immersive program and served as a marketing consultant for two years, helping re-establish the messaging, voice, website and public-facing communications for the organization.

Please contact me directly – – for customized experiences for you and your groups and check the site for announcements and below for specific offerings.

Thank you for being here.

Current Group Offerings (click for more info)

Radical Somatics: The Body Is a Map Women’s Chronic Illness Group 2025

Wolf Connection’s Women & Wolves Day Retreats 2025

Wolf Connection’s Women & Wolves Immersive Program 2025


“The most wonderful part of REWILDING was seeing the transformation in the beautiful souls that came along with us talking about mental health and recovery, and talking about the things that scare us. Opening discussion and being vulnerable and soft, and telling my story and being a part of others’ first steps toward self acceptance and willingness to believe they’re deserving of help. Meeting gorgeous sparkling souls who you connect with deeply, instantly and fiercely.”
-Rewilding retreat panel speaker

“Micha and Amanda brought so much soul, grace, and love to the program, each in her own unique way. (They) did a wonderful job of simultaneously holding space, going deep, bringing lightness, and just being incredibly REAL. (They) each had so much goodness to share, and I think so highly of all of them!”

– Anonymous


“I sit here with tears in my eyes as I think about my experience in Women and Wolves. To say that this program is life-changing seems like an understatement. I feel like I will never be the same person again, in a good way. This program woke me up to something that was sleeping in me, an embracing of parts of myself as reflected to me through the wolves. If you are a spiritual woman who feels a connection with wolves, this program is for you! The program is facilitated by amazing women (Micha & Amanda) who care deeply about what they do and what they have to offer. I appreciated how well organized both the zoom meetings and the in-person retreat were, and I have the utmost respect for the mission of Wolf Connection. Getting introduced to the wolves and learning what they had to teach me was powerful beyond words. This program brought with it so many levels of growth, depth, tenderness, love, joy, and awareness. I truly cannot recommend Women and Wolves enough. Howling with you in solidarity.”

– Christina


“The program was excellent. It went beyond my expectations. The care in the details was beautiful. I am going through so much withdrawals afterwards! LOL. My experience with this program was earth shattering for me. I feel it was life changing and at the very least (or most) energy raising. Truly transformative. I can not say enough. And that’s really huge because all my life I have been a hardcore executive…ginormous experience.”

– Barbara

“This ten-week journey was transformative and deeply healing. I was searching for a space to be able to grieve some deep personal losses in my life, connect with fellow animal lovers, and make room in my heart for love and healing. I appreciated how Amanda and Micha were authentic in connecting with us. They were the perfect balance of gentle leaders of bringing us together while also being part of the pack. More Loves: The weekly meeting of the wolves. Loved hearing their stories but teaching us that their trauma is not the only part of their story, that MY trauma is not the only part of my story and that grief and gratitude can live in the same space. Learning the Way of Wolf. Mediation/grounding The gentle, quiet spaces between our shares Letting the magic unfold in its own time Creating a space for all to be seen and heard.”

– Lia

“Thank you so much! I loved every bit of it! I would love to put something like this together for our behavioral health group. Loved the Q and As with the trauma survivors and those struggling with eating disorders. So powerful. And the cabins were great for bonding. Would be great to do random assignment to help people branch out and get to know others. I love the whole deal. I loved the whole thing. It was really cool.”
-Jose, Rewilding retreat attendee

“I’m sitting in the bus to San Francisco sobbing my eyes out! And that’s huge for me because I’m not a person who shows her feelings! But this weekend showed me through all those different stories! That it is ok to struggle with the past and get help! And that’s what I finally have to do now so I can focus on the bright future! Thank you guys so much! I can never tell u how grateful I am for that!”
-Jasmin, Rewilding retreat attendee

“BALANCING ACT: had the honor of speaking with the beautiful beings @ Rewilding retreat today… at one point I was asked how I manage my different roles – being sensitive, creative and also existing in the modern, business world… this question is especially poignant at this point in my life (thank you to @jessieroselevoy who asked this question – for inviting a deeper dialogue of transparency and vulnerability!)… feeling much love and gratitude for this powerful community of artists, activists, healers and entrepreneurs, all who inspire me constantly… thank you♡*”
-Nitsa, Rewilding retreat panel speaker

“I’m still trying to process the last weekend. All the different kinds of emotions, feels and thoughts are still coming up. Those days are the kind of memories you cherish forever!”