Crystal Clearing | Rose Quartz

by | May 5, 2018

Enter in a new dimension of self-love and exploration as the intentions of the new year unfold and integrate into existence with the assistance of a mineral kingdom favorite known as Rose Quartz. As one of the most popular and readily available stones humanity has access to, Rose Quartz serves as an important tool in helping hearts heal and align to a realm of harmony and personal expansion. As Rose Quartz works to fill every cell of one’s being with a sense of the most calming and gentle love there is, it awakens the individual to their true access to the source of unconditional love, at all times, and in all ways.

Rose Quartz enfolds the entire being in a nurturing embrace of unconditional love and renewal while its frequency shifts one’s perspective to visions of compassion and acceptance for all that is. As this loving barrier creates a cocoon around one’s energy fields, stress and anger dissolve and transmute into the light of divine love. One is united with the heart of the Earth and universe, as the limitless flow of love guides the way and fills one’s heart with the ultimate expression of peace, uplifting all that is contacted by the heart’s benevolent nature. As lower energies melt away, every cell is filled and overflowing with the most powerful presence there is, the presence of love.

Although Rose Quartz achieves some of its most important work with the heart space in clearing old traumas, it greatly benefits all energy vortexes in the dissolving of old patterns and emotions. As the cells are reprogrammed and in tune with the forces of love, the entire chakra system unifies and activates with the rhythm of one’s purified heart. The deep emotional healing that occurs is done with grace so that the heart can safely remain open to giving and receiving love. One’s awareness of Rose Quartz’s calming connection permeates throughout all thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

As a stone of forgiveness, Rose Quartz connects one back to their true loving nature. It serves as a reminder that one is safe and supported, securing a foundation to practice invoking the universal law of forgiveness. Rose Quartz brings harmony and healing back to relationships on all levels and affirms the importance of taking loving action over the path of fear-based consciousness. As the hidden blue ray in the pink visions of Rose Quartz awaken truthful expression, the heart and throat chakras unite as loving wisdom pours from the space where ones greatest knowledge resides, the wisdom of the heart.


I AM one with the limitless expression of Unconditional Love

Sacred Ceremony

Choose love over fear in all of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Follow your truth and listen to your heart. Let love be your guide. Allow love to illuminate your path, knowing all is well in divine order and guidance. Know that you are safe and that you are loved.

You are Love.

And So Be It. And So It Is.